.: My life, written down and on film :.

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.: 02.08.03 :.

.: My Life :.

Guys listen up, 3 times I’ve learned if you ever have an opportunity to make out with a chick, even if her boyfriend is capable of beating you up, kiss her. And don’t stop kissing her unless she says stop kissing me or I have to go. Halloween night I went to this party and hooked up with this incredible fine chick named Ryan. I was dubbed pimp of the couch because I had a girl on my left and two on my right and Ryan laying on all 4 of us. I was like I could so make out with you right now. She said ok and I fucking freaked, I kissed her for like a few seconds (a marvelous kiss it was). Then someone was like whoa, “Ryan tell me I didn’t that didn’t just happen,” we looked at each other and laughed. I didn’t kiss her the whole rest of the night because this had never happened to me before and I still regret it. She had a gorgeous tan, rollerblades, really great smile that would just make you feel better if you had a ruff day. Man!!! Don’t get me wrong I tried to hook up with her for like 2 months after but we never came close to even hanging out. I… well I want a second chance, but you don’t have the most fun you’ve ever had with someone you just met and forget it ever happened. You try to call but the line is busy, you leave messages trying to get together, and you hope she doesn’t have a boyfriend. I’m not obsessing about it but you end up playing what if this and what if that. I don’t think about it everyday, but I wish I acted differently.

.: Posted by :.   ]_udic]-[ris

.: 12.27.02 :.

.: My Life :.

Today the first human was supposedly cloned by scientists belonging to a Canadian Cult. I thought the general public should know that there was a ban placed on stem cell research which has a lot to do with cloning. In my opinion, the world as we know it is ending before our very eyes. We are modifying crops with genetic research, a while ago a scientist created a Glow-In-The-Dark cotton tailed rabbit; we are practicing how to grow human ears on the backs of lab mice. NONE of this was ever supposed to happen, but nobody bothered to try and prevent it. We were researching DNA testing to help find cures for diseases such as HIV and the AIDS virus. It was also used to help police solve crimes and find suspects, as well as prove people innocent. We should not be working on a system on how to pick our child’s hair color or skin complexion; you don’t better the world by eliminating the unique personalities each of use have that make us stand out in a crowd. What’s next… the perfect spouse (wife/husband)? Ask yourself this, do you want to live in a world where everyone has a parallel life that a clone carries out for them? We are creating slaves of all races this time (not just blacks), and we are going to have another civil war on our hands; only this time it will take place across every Nation in the world and you will literally have to shoot your own self dead on the battle field. Think about that!!!

.: Posted by :.   ]_udic]-[ris

.: 12.01.02 :.

.: My Life :.

I’ve fucking had it with the general public. The U.S.A. voted for some idiot (I will explain why he is an idiot in a minute or two) named George W. Bush; who, I would like to add, immediately cut off good oil relations when he came into office and is now drilling in what used to be the most recognizable and historical National Wildlife Preserve called Yellow Stone National Park. Now let me explain to you why our President is a fucking moron... a while ago our president forgot to breathe while chewing on a pretzel, and fainted. The fucking god dam president of the United States, not choked, but FORGOT TO FUCKING BREATHE; if that isn’t a sign of pure idiocy then I don’t know what the fuck is.

Now any of you parents who don’t give a flying crap about their kids, I want to inform you that they are depressed and slicing their wrists on a daily basis. They just want a little anti-depressant because god knows you don’t care enough about them enough to make them happy. Because of today’s increasingly large mass of INCOMPETENT parents today we have kids doing every drug they can trying to kill themselves as they stand in line at the polls to vote for incompetent government officials. This shit we see everyday makes a fucking difference later on, we wont have any wildlife left in Yellow Stone National Park because of fucking INCOMPETENT parents who could care less if their kids die, not even caring enough to educate them on what really matters... the fucking future of this world. You people think they are making electric cars for the hell of it. THINK AGAIN because there is an environmental crisis going on; we are low on natural resources, to top it off... nobody gives a flying crap about the pollution in the air.

I'm a lot more complex than most people think I am. People tend to think I’m easily amused… like how I’m attracted to shiny objects which reflect light. Now if we didn’t have a moon, moonlight would not exist; but believe it or not the moon reflects the suns light just like the shiny object that still catch my eye. Now without the moon, the tides would cease to exist. Without the tides, marine mating seasons which would have naturally existed under the moonlight would never be allowed to occur. On that note I want to say one last thing... there are ALWAYS reasons for my actions, not everyone understands those reasons therefore and I am socially persecuted by other people for the simple reason that they are judge mental, but I will always live the by the following quote...

“It is better to be hated for who you are, than to be loved for who you are not.”

.: Posted by :.   ]_udic]-[ris

.: 10.27.02 :.

.: My Life :.

I recently learned that a girl I was casually seeing wants a more serious relationship. We had agreed to a casual relationship because my life isn't stable right now and my friend found out. My whole moral and life code until today was to be straight forward with people. Example: If you lie to someone and that person finds out they will be three times as furious with you when they find out, than if you had been straight forward with that person from the start. My good friend was talking to the girl I was seeing and she asked me if there was anything she should know about. I said no there isn't, and she asked me not to lie to her, right then and there I realized I broke my code. I said yes there is, I have been seeing your friend. Now, I don’t want a relationship right now because my life isn't stable, it turns out I had told the girl I was with that she shouldn't get attached to me and not to ask me out because I would end it. Well she was crying today and I found out she was torn between asking me out, which she thought would end all means of contact with her; or being depressed because the guy she likes wont date her. I never meant for this to happen, I don’t like hurting people but I don’t like lying to people. We made plans to day to hang out later this week; I am trying to desperately to make it up to her (we stopped seeing each other and were hanging out now). Today, I almost lost a friend and hurt an innocent, I and beginning to realize I’m not in control of my own life anymore. I am questioning my beliefs, morals, and my life style. I remember just being a kid and playing with L.E.G.O's all day... not a care in the world; I realize that my actions have more consequences and I have to provide for myself more often.

.: Posted by :.   ]_udic]-[ris

.: 10.01.02 :.

.: My Life :.

As I'm writing this (during class), a friend of mine is on the verge of an anxiety attack and I couldn't do anything more than talk to her. I couldn't help her in any way; it’s the worst feeling in the world when you can do a thing to help your friends out. I'm sitting behind her while she desperately tries to distract herself by keeping her hands busy, turning the pages of a magazine. I've been in similar situations before but not on such a high level. You can't prevent the inevitable; what ever is going to happen, will happen and you can’t stop it. She knows how horrible and painful of an experience it is and she can't stop it. The worst thing is she fears what was about to happen which only adds to her anxiety, she fears the inevitable. Earlier I was sitting next to her trying to calm her and she said I should go back to my seat, in her respects I did. This is when I started writing this piece; I know most people can relate; it’s painful for someone when they can't help a friend out. The only thing at this point is to stand by their side and pray for the best but expect the worst. I don't know when it happened but I have learned to deal with my feelings through writing. I consider this and accomplishment on my behalf because as a child I couldn't control what happened in everyday life, but I tried to have fun. I'm older now and I have more control now, but I have to face life head on and swerve around the problems without causing a big crash. I write this piece to explain to everyone in the world that no matter how tuff life gets, NEVER give up!!!

.: Posted by :.   ]_udic]-[ris

.: 09.19.02 :.

.: My Life :.

This is just great... my life was stable until I met Angie and this other chick (she doesn't want her name used). She's in my Drivers Ed class, she's beautiful, and her personality is great. She's usually laid back, and has a good sense of humor and she has a confidence about her that blows me away (she says I remind her of Tom Green and she thinks Tom Green is hot). The other chick, she's really hot too, she's got a real cool vibe. She's laid back, and has the same good sense of humor that I like. She the same confidence about her; she can tease a guy like a stripper behind bars (she isn't as subtle as Angie). Angie and I have really good conversation but she is catholic and her parents are a little strict. On the other hand this other chick rollerblades, but our conversations aren’t exactly what you would call intellectual (but the subject content is still fun and interesting). It comes down to this: the same person with either... strict parents (who won't let me come over as often but I see her every day in school) along with intellectual conversations; or lenient parents (who will let me come over more often but I don’t see her every day) with rollerblades and a lower intellect level in conversation.

.: Posted by :.   ]_udic]-[ris

.: 08.07.02 :.

.: My Life :.

Tiffany and I broke up but we were drifting so I wasn't in shock when she told me. Not much else to say but I do want to show you some pictures of me.

TOP: Me with my shades on, BOTTOM: My rock hard abs

.: Posted by :.   ]_udic]-[ris

.: 06.08.02 :.

.: My Life :.

Yesterday my girlfriend asked me if I wanted to go to a party and I told her sure. So today like 10 minutes before the party starts she tells me she doesn't want to go. She said it was supposedly all the "popular" people at her school, and she wouldn't feel comfortable. I know that personally, I need my space; I've been going over to her house after school for almost everyday. I guess she might want her space, but I called her later and her mom told me she went to the mall with her dad. I called Carrie (her friend) and her mom said Carrie was with Tiffany. She said she didn’t' want to do anything tonight but she is at the mall with here dad and her friend. What the fuck; the worst part is my mom always implying that my friends don't want to hang with me said, "Don't you think it's strange that she canceled on you 10 minutes before the party?" I always wanted her to be straightforward with me, that the way all my friends are with me. If someone doesn't like me tell me so I don't waste my time.

.: Posted by :.   ]_udic]-[ris

.: 04.16.02 :.

.: My Life :.

Man I was spaced out today. In math (geometry) there was a diagram on the board; there was a man on a cliff and the cliff wall went straight down to some water, and a little to the left of the cliff in the water was a boat. The diagram had something to do with parallel lines and opposite interior angles, but I wasn’t paying attention (what… is was math class, gimme a break) because I was looking for a pencil. I look up at the diagram, and as if it were a real person I yell, “No! He’s gonna jump!” Then my brain registered what I had just yelled at a stick figure on the board. I couldn’t stop laughing for the rest of the period (4 minutes). At the end of math, my friend Romina, who is agnostic by the way (doesn’t believe in god unless it can be proven scientifically that god exists), is getting confirmed tonight at her church (courtesy of her mom). She invited who ever was listening to her (4 people) to come and watch her make a fool of herself. So after school, I went over to her church and I see all the church authority figures wearing gowns (even the guys). Anyways I couldn’t find Romina out side and I wasn’t going in there wearing a t-shirt, my shades, and my in-lines. I was looking around and I this kid wearing and Incubus shirt; Romina likes Incubus, I’ll ask him.


“Nope, sorry bro, don’t know her.”

“Damn,” I said, “she was getting confirmed and invited me to come and watch her make a fool of herself.”

That was my crazy wacked out day.

.: Posted by :.   ]_udic]-[ris

.: 03.15.02 :.

.: My Life :.

This is a story that happened to me over the past 3 days (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday).

I'm on my way home, at the corner of 104 Avenue and 120 street, I realize I don't know where I am... not good! I look around and there are about four chicks sitting in their driveway (I don't normally ask directions, but I usually never get lost... but I had never come home this way either), and after about a minute I figured, hey what the fuck, I'll ask directions. I asked them where 102 Avenue was, one of the chicks (the smallest one) said straight down that way. She pointed one block east. You fucking idiot, you were one block away from knowing where you were, you dumb ass!


— The Next Day [Wed]


My mom said I could chill at my girlfriend’s house till 6:30, but my girlfriend forgot to see if it was ok with her dad. Her dad says I have to leave at 5:30. I kissed her goodbye, I figured, he I'll skate for an hour. I decided to head over to those girls house and tell them thanks as I passed by... when some idiot driving a Honda almost rams into me. I turn quickly to avoid it, unscathed I yell, "You're supposed to stop at the stop sign, ASSHOLE!" So I skate over to my old elementary school and I see my girlfriend’s parents and her little brother on their way to a Boy Scout meeting. What a coincidence! I said hi and went over to the parking lot. These two chicks show up and they look familiar. Their doing jumps (nothing fancy) and it clicks, these are the chick who gave me directions the other day. What a coincidence! We said hi to each other and they said I should try doing a trick. They take me over to this curb. It was a straight slant maybe 4 feet of asphalt, and it hits the pavement at about a 70 degree angle making a corner. There was no transition. They were making it look easy. I tried it, and found my self making a personal acquaintance with the pavement. As they laughed, I yelled over to my girlfriend’s brother, "Hey Andrew, did you see that?" One of the girls said, "Andrew isn't that tiffany's brother?" Holy shit, they know tiffany, they know my girlfriend! What a coincidence!


— The Next Day [Thurs]


In my freshmen year, I at lunch with this girl, and I sat in front of her sister during second period. I walk in and she says, "Hey, I saw you the other day, we almost ran you over and you called my step-dad and asshole." "That was you," I said, "You know your step-dad drives like a maniac!" What a coincidence!


So it's cool because now we all know each other. I had so much fun telling this story to people and how we all hanging together.

.: Posted by :.   ]_udic]-[ris

.: 02.15.02 :.

.: My Life :.

It has been a while since I updated this site as you can tell. Nothing has been going on except now I have a girlfriend. She is incredibly beautiful. What’s even better than her looks, her personality, we connect on almost every level. Our childhoods were very alike, we love to skate. Once the screw that keeps the wheels on, came off her roller blade while she was skating, I took her to my house and I rigged it so it works. We like a lot of the same bands, the real bands that make their own music on stage at concerts. I got her addicted to strawberries, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her, so it basically comes down to this... "Food and Sex." I'm out for now, later.

.: Posted by :.   ]_udic]-[ris

.: 02.10.02 :.

.: My Life :.

My new girlfriend, Tiffany, we kissed today. It was by a canal, there is a clearing with big rocks to sit on, and the bank is elevated so you can see the sunset if it’s a good night. We were riding along the bank of the water when we hit the clearing, we both look to our left, and we see two beautiful horses as they start to run from whatever may have spooked them. The horses ran displaying their beauty and majestic power as I looked back at her to see her reaction which was awe. Both of us lucky to see such a thing we arrive at our destination, a secluded area with large rocks to sit upon, and bathe in the suns warmth. The sun is high about two in the afternoon. After meaningless conversation trying to muster up the courage to kiss her, I look at here and ask her, "Yo... dude, you wanna wrestle, only with out our roller blades?" she didn't want to at first then I took her by the hand as we jumped off the giant piece of coral and limestone. We walked about 10 steps, each of us stealing glances at each other inconspicuously, and we stop. I get in my football stance, and plainly said, "I'm gonna count to five, and then I'm gonna tackle you so you better tackle me first," after count to five I wait a few seconds for her to change her mind, and nock her off her feet (in a very un-romantic way I might add). I help her and she tells me she doesn't know how to tackle someone, and well I show her... literally. She said she was gonna kill me, and I said I know. I helped her up and gave her a chance to tackle me (which she silently refused), then I tackled her... again. She said this time she was really gonna kill me; we lay there in the warm grass, squinting as we tried to keep the sun out of our eyes. Then at the perfect moment we both just look at each other... we open our mouth the second we make eye contact. We both knew it was coming, we both knew what was about to happen, and within seconds, my lips met hers, and we embraced each other passionately. Afterwards, for what seamed the better part for five minutes, I kept telling her how amazing and beautiful she is. We knew that we had to get back to her house... on our way back as we were biking along the path, we see a wild parrot, one of the green and blue parrots that are native here except this one was small (about the size of a parakeet), but it was two feet away from us. It looked at us as we came to a stop, then it went back to sitting on its small branch cooling off in the light breeze. This was the best damn day of my life, and that night I couldn't sleep because I stayed up all night playing this incredible story over and over in my head. But all stories have an ending, and my story, must end here.

.: Posted by :.   ]_udic]-[ris


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